Friday, December 21, 2007

The List

No NOT the Christmas lists...
I was reading in my magazine the other night and one write wrote about her LIST.  It was the perpetual and every growing list of things that don't ever disappoint, so I decided during this wonderful holiday season to ponder and start to create my own LIST.  
Here goes...(remember these are the things in my life which will never disappoint me and help make me who I am and my life mine.....and in no particular order)
1. Warm Coffee on cold days
2. Fleece slippers and my college quilt
3. Chad's ability to explain to me how SOMETHING/ANYTHING works...and if he doesn't know, he finds out and then shares
4. QUIET TIME (1-3pm each day)
5. My Shark
6. Sweet white wine
7. 8pm in our home...
8. A good workout at the gym
9.  Trident Tropical Twist chewing gum
10. My blue fleece pants and my RMWC sweatshirt
11. my sister's homemade cookies, goodies, and sweets
12. My engagement, wedding, and anniversary rings (everytime I look at them I am reminded of my wonderful husband, the family we have created, and what is most important to me in my life......and I don't mean jewelry)

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