Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Walking across the bridge

So Logan did it last night. She bridged from Daisy Scouts to Brownies. She walked across the bridge with all watching so she can now wear that coveted Brownie vest instead of the blue Daisy tunic. And the entire process took about 5.3 seconds. We had to be there an hour early to help set up and Chad arrived with the other three in tow. In a matter of 3 minutes the entire ceremony was finished and CHad took the other three home. At one point he looked at me and said in the most loving and fatherly supportive tone, "Is that it?" YEP!!! hat is it!!!! It seriously took longer to get Parker unbuckled, hooked into the backpack, and walk inside then it took for Logan to walk across the bridge. BUT, we were all there cheering her on.... especially Parker, who screamed the entire time, " WO WO WO HI WO HI WO WO WO!!!!!!! At least Logan and I got to stay for cookies.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Call me crazy....

Call me Crazy but I just signed CHad and Myself up to run the Rock and Roll Half Marathon on Labor Day weekend in Virginia Beach. How crazy are we??? I just felt like I was missing something in my workout and felt it would be a good goal for the two of us. I did not want to run it myself so I talked Chad into it as well. Our goal this year is to finish the race and set a good example for our kids that health and fitness are top priorities. So, we started our 14 week training program yesterday with a short run. I only almost died once so I hope that is a good sign. What this really means is that Chad will have to help out this summer when it comes to squeezing my workout in as well as his. Think happy running thoughts for us and I will keep you posted on how the training is going!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Little Jailbird

Here are some pictures our our little jailbird/escape artist! He is now climbing out of his crib so we had to put a Cage/tent over it to keep him in. When I saw him standing there in his stripped PJs I could not help myself but to take a picture since he looked like he was in jail. You should have seen him kissing me through the netting and waving BYE-BYE. Now, if he can only stay in a few more weeks until summer starts then we will move him to the big boy bed. I am TRYING to wait until summer, but he may have different plans! They always seem to.......

Monday, May 19, 2008


Well, I won something....FINALLY! I am not a really unlucky person but when it comes to contests and things, I rarely win. WELL, my luck has changed. I read a blog called Larger Families and I posted a comment. WELL, that comment won me a free book! YEAH FOR ME! Now, I only need to find the time to read the thing....
On another note, I tried taking the kids to the library today. By kids I mean Coop and the monkey. I wanted to see if it was something we could do on a weekly basis with the kids this summer. At first, it went really well I mean those first 45 seconds were perfect! THEN, the monkey started to SCREECH ( as ALL monkeys do) Cooper was able to grab one book, we found a Curious George book for the Park man and WE WERE OUT OF THERE! Nothing like started your week of with horrible sideways glances from your neighborhood librarians. Maybe we will go to another library next week. I mean really, Chesterfield county does have plenty that we could just go to a different one each week this summer. It could work....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Room enough for ALL

These are pictures of Bear's actual BirthDAY!!! He got a sleeping bag and it is an extra large one with room for all. Check out the picture of PARKER He is such a POSER these days. All you have to do is tell him I want to take a picture and he holds still and does this goofy smile. He also puts his hands on his cheeks while smiling. TOO CUTE!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day.....LATE

Well it is not still Mother's Day officially. It ended 8 minutes ago but as you can see I am still up and my mind was racing so I thought I would get this post in. I wanted to say I hope every Mother out there had a wonderful day. I hope it was filled with laughter, smiles, rest, fun, and attention. I know mine was. It was a wonderful day. I think it really needs to be to help you get the week going right. I mean it is kind of a bummer to have such a wonderful relaxing fun filled day then BAM, back into the rat race we go. No easing back into things, no extra time to gather the energy....just Happy Mothers Day then Mommy where are my shoes, my pants, my book bag, did you pack me a snack, my lunch, did you sign my folder, hurry we are going to be late for the bus, refill my prescription, make this bank deposit, pick up milk and bread at the grocery store, cook lunch and dinner, start the laundry, did you wash my work pants, karate practice, pool ID pictures, return emails, and that is just for Monday. So, I am off to bed in hopes of getting a little rest before it all begins again tomorrow....
Sweet dreams to all you mommies out there and I hope you did indeed have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Taking the day.....

Okay, well I had lots of things planned for the day and errands to run. That was until LoLo woke up feeling puny. I had a tummy bug over the weekend and she and Chad seemed to have come down with it. The good thing is it is only a 12-15 hour bug but you DO feel pretty puny.
SO, we are TAKING THE DAY! We are resting, recuperating, and getting some much needed housework done around here. Sometimes I believe feeling puny is God's way of telling us to slow down a bit. I will pick up tomorrow where I left off yesterday but for now.....we are taking a break!

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Thoughtful Insight

Chad and I were talking the other night at the dinner table about a friend of ours whose father is in the Cardiac ICU right now. We thought the children were eating and not really paying attention until Logan piped up with a question. SHe looked at us and said, "Mrs. Horton (her teacher) says that your heart is what makes you nice. So, if his heart is sick and and working, does that make him mean?" Chad and I just looked at each other.

Give some Props to Pops...

This weekend was Bear's BIRTHDAY Extravaganza Weekend. We had an immediate family party on Saturday (22 people) and then a friends party on Sunday (10 kids) and today is the actual day. He wanted an Army tank cake for his party so Mommy went to the store and bought what I thought I might need. I baked the cake Thursday and then had to go out for awhile on Friday evening. When I got home, This is what I found.... Chad had made the cake, all by himself. When I got home, he was 90% done. Any of you who know me could imagine how hard it was for me to come in and simply sit down and watch him finish it without ANY IMPUT!!! I guess that is why I love him so much.... look at that cake! (I did get to take part in the cleaning up though, lucky me!)
Anyway, it is that time of year again, birthday season, so I am thinking back to where I was eight years ago. Yes that is right, EIGHT YEARS AGO!!!!! As of right now, I believe they had just told me my little monkey had flipped breech and we had begun preparing for a Csection. In a little over an hour, I would be holding my first born son for the first time ever. Chad and I became parents for the first time this day eight years ago. I can not even put into words how much more wonderful our life is now because of Barrett. He was such a sweet, snuggly, calm baby boy and has really turned into a wonderful young man. He is still sweet and caring, fun and vivacious, active, careful, smart, thoughtful and most of all the most precious gift we could have been given eight years ago.
Happy Birthday (not so) Baby Boy! We love you.........

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

Well, I got most of what I needed to get done the other day. I now only have 2 things left on the list for Saturday and I plan on getting them done after taking Bear to Karate this afternoon! YEAH FOR ME!!!! Now I have to make the cake(s), wrap the presents, clean the house, prep the food, set the tables, and keep the brood happy until Saturday morning. TOTALLY DOABLE!!!!!!
Another topic, what do ya'll think about summer camps? I have gathered some information for several programs for the summer for my different children. However, I am trying to decide whether or not it is worth putting them in some programs or not. I mean NOWHERE will take all four so I wold have to split them up, shuffle them around, and then try and coordinate times and weeks so they are all occupied at the same time. Because really, if I am going to send them to a program, I AM going to make it worth my time and have as few children home at one time as possible. The other part of me thinks I should just bag the whole camp idea and enjoy the summer. WE joined the pool, hang out with friends, and not have to be anywhere at any certain time. This sounds wonderful but I am wondering if it is going to bite me in the rear halfway through the summer. WIll I be totally insane by July 15th??? I don't know! WHat do you guys think????