Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Walking across the bridge

So Logan did it last night. She bridged from Daisy Scouts to Brownies. She walked across the bridge with all watching so she can now wear that coveted Brownie vest instead of the blue Daisy tunic. And the entire process took about 5.3 seconds. We had to be there an hour early to help set up and Chad arrived with the other three in tow. In a matter of 3 minutes the entire ceremony was finished and CHad took the other three home. At one point he looked at me and said in the most loving and fatherly supportive tone, "Is that it?" YEP!!! hat is it!!!! It seriously took longer to get Parker unbuckled, hooked into the backpack, and walk inside then it took for Logan to walk across the bridge. BUT, we were all there cheering her on.... especially Parker, who screamed the entire time, " WO WO WO HI WO HI WO WO WO!!!!!!! At least Logan and I got to stay for cookies.

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