Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rested and recharged

Chad and I ran our half marathon this past weekend. We got to spend three nights and 3 days at Virginia Beach with each other and no one else, except for the 22,000 people running the Rock and ROll Half MArathon, BUT no kids were with us. We enjoyed the time and had a great race on Sunday. I ran it in my goal time and cut 13 1/2 minutes off last year's time. I have to say, I could not have done it without my sweet supportive husband, who looked at me at mile 11 and said, Come on! We need to pick it up if we are going to make it! And gosh darn it we did! No pictures to prove we ran but the muscle are sore enough! It was wonderful and well deserved and gave me a chance to recharge for the start of another school year.