Tuesday, March 4, 2008


WELL, I am finally getting around to posting. Things are quiet and still around the house and I finished everyithng else on my "TO DO" list so far...(not including dinner or dishwasher) NOW, what to write? HUMMMMMM... HUMMMMM... don't have much to say.....
Sad really, I finally get a quiet moment and am able to sit down and write something and I can not think of anything. I am so pathetic!
Okay, here is something. I was just approached by a friend of mine asking whether or not they should think about a third kid. They said things have slowed down and they were wondering whether it really made that much of an impact to our lives or not. I was not sure of how to respond. I mean YES, having more children is an impact and YES it speeds things back up again but it is what we chose to do and what I WANTED to do. Sh said they were in such a good groove right now, how much would it change? Well, it will change...A LOT but that does not meant you will not fimd yourself in a NEW groove. She told me she was floundering with what to do because her youngest had started school and she had been a MOM for so long that she felt very empty. WE talked and I said I Totally understand that and am sure that I will feel the same way in 5 or so years but the empty feeling probably will not be just cured by having a baby. Because what happened when that one grows up and heads of to school? Aother baby????? A baby is not a quick fix..... HELL, if for no other reason as there are a lot of other fixes that are CHEAPER!!!!! AND cause less HAVOC on your body.......
What do you guys think?

1 comment:

kitty said...

i say tell her to get a puppy.